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You are requesting permission to download a Townsend tool to your computer. All tools are protected by copyright laws and are property of the University of California. By downloading a Townsend tool, you agree to keep the original form unchanged. This means that you are not entitled to modify or use the photographs for any other purpose. In addition, all references and logos may not be altered in any way nor removed. You will need to print tools “as is”. In case of a doubt concerning your planned use of any Townsend tool or content (photographs, logo or survey questions), please contact us directly.
Instruction Guide to Setup an iPad Kiosk
Description: A 12 page, step-by-step instruction guide that walks through the process of setting up an iPad as a Healthy Kids Kiosk. The guide provides instructions for two options. One for results that can be emailed to the user. The second option to have both email and print result options including specs for the compact receipt printer.
Referral Slips
Description: A prescription style pad for doctors to refer patients and their parents to Healthy Kids classes.

Description: 2 pages, double sided, 8.5×11, color, English
12-item pictorial assessment tool for child’s fast food, candy, cake, soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened foods and beverages. Can be used for programmatic pre post evaluation, participant risk assessment, and/or programmatic needs assessment. Parent/caregiver completes the tool on behalf of the preschool child. 2015.
To order, please email | Item Number “47 ” | Project Title “Focus on Fats and Sweets “
Focus on Sweet Drinks: Now and Then
Description: 1 page, double sided, 8.5×11, color, English
3-item retrospective pictorial assessment tool for child’s soda, sports drinks, lemonade, punch and other sugar-sweetened beverages. Parent/caregiver completes the tool on behalf of the preschool child. 2019.
Focus on Sweet Drinks: Now and Then Instruction Guide
Description: 12 page, single sided, 8.5×11, color, English
Instruction guide for administering, coding and scoring the Focus on Sweet Drinks tool.

Description: 1 page, single sided, 8.5×11, color, English
3-item pictorial assessment tool for child’s soda, sports drinks, lemonade, punch and other sugar-sweetened beverages. Can be used for programmatic pre post evaluation, participant risk assessment, and/or programmatic needs assessment. Parent/caregiver completes the tool on behalf of the preschool child. 2015.
To order, please email | Item Number “48 ” | Project Title “Focus on Sweet Drinks “

Description: 9 page, single sided, 8.5×11, color, English
Instruction guide for administering, coding and scoring the Focus on Sweet Drinks tool.

Description: 2 pages, double sided, 8.5×11, color, English
10-item retrospective pictorial assessment tool for child’s vegetable behaviors in the family’s environment. Parent/caregiver completes the tool on behalf of the preschool child. 2019.

Description: 26 page, single sided, 8.5×11, color, English
Instruction guide for administering, coding and scoring the Focus on Veggies: Now and Then tool.

Description: 2 pages, double sided, 8.5×11, color, English
10-item pictorial assessment tool for child’s vegetable behaviors in the family’s environment. Can be used for programmatic pre post evaluation, participant risk assessment, and/or programmatic needs assessment. Parent/caregiver completes the tool on behalf of the preschool child. 2015.
To order, please email | Item Number “49 ” | Project Title “Focus on Veggies “

Focus on Veggies Instruction Guide
Description: 13 page, single sided, 8.5×11, color, English
Instruction guide for administering, coding and scoring the Focus on Veggies tool.
Description:12 pages, double sided, 8.5×11 booklet, English
The magazine-style workbook supports and reinforces the guided goal setting companion curriculum. This workbook contains behavior-driven strategies: goal selection, action planning, contracting, tracking, self-monitoring, barrier counseling, cue management, and rewarding, and it was written at a level appropriate for low-literate audiences.
To order, please email | Item Number “56” | Project Title “Goals for Healthy Kids”
Focus on Snacks
Description: 2 pages, double sided, 8.5×11, color, English
12-item pictorial assessment of child snacking-related behaviors in the family environment including healthful snacks, sugar-sweetened beverages, chips, and their availability and accessibility.
To order, please email | Item Number “58” | Project Title “Focus on Snacks”
Focus on Activity
Description: 2 pages, double sided, 8.5×11, color, English
9-item pictorial assessment of child activity behaviors in the family environment including screen and video game time and physical activity.
To order, please email | Item Number “59” | Project Title “Focus on Activity”
My Veggies
Description: 8 pages, double sided, 8.5×11 booklet, English
8-pg diet quality assessment tool for low-literate program participants; a surrogate to the more complex 24-hour dietary recall.
To order, please email | Item Number “60” | Project Title “My Veggies”
Mis Vegetales
Description: 8 pages, double sided, 8.5×11 booklet, Spanish
8-pg diet quality assessment tool for low-literate program participants; a surrogate to the more complex 24-hour dietary recall.
To order, please email | Item Number “60” | Project Title “My Veggies”
Niños Sanos (short version)
Description: 18-items, 4 pages, double sided, 11×17 folded, color, Spanish
18-item obesity prevention assessment tool for self-administration by low-income, low–literate, Spanish speaking caregivers of young children.
Niños Sanos
Description: 10 pages, double sided, 8.5×11 booklet, Spanish
45-item tool designed for self-administration by low-income, low –literate, Spanish speaking caregivers of young children.
To order, please email | Item Number “61” | Project Title “Niños Sanos”
Mi Niño a la Hora de Comer
Description: 10 pages, double sided, 8.5×11 booklet, Spanish
27-item tool designed for self-administration by low-income, low –literate, Spanish speaking caregivers of young children.
To order, please email | Item Number “62” | Project Title “Mi Niño a la Hora de Comer”
Metas para Niños Sanos
Description: 12 pages, double sided, 8.5×11 booklet, Spanish
The magazine-style workbook supports and reinforces the guided goal setting companion curriculum. This workbook contains behavior-driven strategies: goal selection, action planning, contracting, tracking, self-monitoring, barrier counseling, cue management, and rewarding, and it was written at a level appropriate for low-literate Spanish speaking audiences.
To order, please email | Item Number “63” | Project Title “Metas para Niños Sanos”
Healthy Kids (short version)
Description: 19-items, 4 pages, double sided, 11 x 17 folded, color, English
19-item tool designed for self-administration by low-income, low –literate, ethnically diverse caregivers of young children.
To order, please email | Item Number “64” | Project Title “Healthy Kids-Short Version”

Description:10 pages, double sided, 8.5×11 booklet, English
45-item tool designed for self-administration by low-income, low –literate, ethnically diverse caregivers of young children
To order, please email | Item Number “52” | Project Title “Healthy Kids”

Description: 10 pages, double sided, 8.5×11 booklet, English
27-item tool designed for self-administration by low-income, low –literate, ethnically diverse caregivers of young children.

This 4-pg data collection tool is designed as a 24-hour record or recall of child’s sleep time, school/daycare hours, physical activity time, television time, and food intake and is part of NIFA AFRI Obesity funded research.

Description: 24 pages, double sided, 8.5×11, color, spiral bound, plastic cover
Instruction guide to assist in administering the long version of the Healthy Kids tool.

Description: 17 pages, double sided, 8.5×11, color, spiral bound, plastic cover
Instruction guide to assist in administering the 27-item My Child at Meal Time tool.